Band of Brothers (1979-present)
This is a very loosely-knit casual gathering of old high school friends. No original songs here, just fun rock and progressive rock jam tunes. I actually didn’t go to high school with these guys, but they were friends of my best friend and neighbor, Mike Thompson. Mike went to high school at Bellarmine Prep, in San Jose. His best friends there were Gian Osorio, a drummer, and a guitarist named Andy Keirns. Gian used to throw some occasional kegger parties at his house, and we all showed up to jam. One of our first jams was an all-Rush program, including the Fountain of Lamneth in it’s entirety. Later we added tunes by Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Camel (kind of difficult considering no one played keyboards!). Eventually we went off into separate bands, but we’d still get together every once in a great while to jam. The last time this happened was just a couple years ago. Andy was graduating from MBA school at Santa Clara University and wanted to have a jam session to celebrate. We started with mostly Beatles songs, but added all kinds of good old 60’s and 70’s classic rock party songs we’d always wanted to play. Then Andy actually got us a gig playing at this graduation party. I hadn’t played live since Dogpark in 1999, so it was a bit unnerving for me, especially considering we were all sharing the vocal duties. But it went off perfectly and was great fun. Plus we even got paid for it! Since Mike Thompson had long since moved to Eureka we had a neighbor of Andy’s named Dave Arrich play bass for the Santa Clara gig.. Gian’s cousin Ernesto Sanchez filled in on backing vocals. We don't play often; distance being a key factor as Andy lives in Murphys. Gian is also busy with his cover band The Music Jones. We have played a few parties since then, about once a year, with Tom Ligda playing bass.